Friday 15 February 2013

Monday 11 February 2013

Zach and Flo

There are lots of layers in this one, all joining together to make my paper background. I have clipped the photo to a messy mask to get rid of a boring background and just hi-light the subject matter. I'm not saying that this is a perfect LO, but it is pleasing to me anyway.

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Torn Photograph

This photo was taken by a member of the club. The rose was in Cec Gibbs garden, it was such a lovely photo and I wanted to try my hand at the other frame in the Training Room folder. I made it a bit saucy for the boys, with the naked fairies !!

Monday 3 December 2012

Another Effort with Torn Paper

Same photo as my last but a new layout nonetheless. This time I have torn the photo in half for interest.